Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral found in rock and soil. Asbestos is durable, strong and remarkably fire-resistant. It was popular in the construction industry through the late 1970s until it was linked to mesothelioma, a deadly form of cancer affecting the lungs, stomach, heart and other organs.

Where Might Asbestos Be Found in Your Home?

Asbestos generally is considered to be harmless if it is left alone. Its existence in your home is not a cause for immediate concern, but precautions must be taken when attempting any repair or construction work that could disturb the material.  Asbestos is commonly found in roofing shingles, insulation and floor tiles. Walls and floors around a wood-burning stove may contain asbestos. It can also be found in door gaskets of old furnaces, insulation of hot water pipes and textured paint. Older construction materials should be examined regularly for flaking or any damage that would expose asbestos particles to the air.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Asbestos?

If you suspect that certain materials in your home or business contain asbestos, you should contact a company that specializes in disaster repair services in Macon, Georgia. Be sure to choose a company that includes an asbestos abatement team. They will take a sample of the material for specialized lab testing as it is impossible to tell if a material contains asbestos just by its appearance. If the sample is positive for asbestos, their specialists can guide you in making the choice that is best for your family which may include leaving the material alone or specialized abatement services to remove the material from your home safely.

If you own an older home or commercial site, chances are that the building also contains asbestos somewhere.  Before starting any remodeling project, contact our asbestos abatement team at Parker Young Construction, specializing in disaster recovery services in Macon, Georgia, for a quote on removal.