home safety

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Tornado season is coming up and it’s getting to be about the time when people start worrying about emergency kits and home safety tips. To help you get safely through tornado season in Georgia, follow these tips to keep you safe from harm.

  • Familiarize yourself with the terms. Tornado Watch means that a tornado could be in your area, but a Tornado Warning means that there’s definitely a tornado and you should seek shelter.
  • If shelter is unavailable when a tornado warning is in effect, lie flat in a low-lying area like a ditch.
  • To avoid having to lie in a ditch, determine in advance where you could seek shelter. A basement or storm cellar is good, but if your house doesn’t have a cellar then make a plan to travel to an appropriate shelter.
  • Stay away from windows, outside walls, and doors when at all possible. Stay at the center of the room.
  • No matter how heavy a trailer or a mobile home is, it is not good shelter.

If the worst should occur and your house does get hit by a tornado, we are here to help.  Contact Parker Young Construction and let us help you get back on your feet and under your roof.