weather safety Georgia

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You need to know when a predictable storm might come to your area and how to prepare for it. Hurricanes, tornados, high winds and floods can severely damage property but homes with storm damage can be rebuilt.  Your family’s safety comes first!

One of the best alerts is 11Alive in the Atlanta area. They will give you weather information on your mobile device, sign up for this on the link.

Another link is Wire Emergency Alerts via text message if your cell phone or other wireless device has the capability.  Check the link to connect to this free service.

You can also check NOAA weather radio for tropical storm systems  that might be heading your way. If you live on the coast, the Passage Weather  website for boaters will show you wind direction and the velocity of approaching Atlantic storms systems.

Hurricane winds usually lose some of their strength when they hit land but they can still bring heavy rains and flooding as the system moves inland.  They can also spawn tornados.

Parker Young Construction, experts at repairing homes with storm damage, advises people to have a plan to secure their homes and evacuate their families when necessary.