Source: Flickr

Throughout the continental US, ice storms are most likely to happen between the months of December and January. Ice storms can be especially brutal this year as the weather forecasters have issued warnings about the upcoming winter. Around the New Year ice storms are expected to hit, so it makes sense to prepare your home and make sure that you focus on protection and damage prevention.

Here are a few tips that will work as prevention measures from winter damage to your home.

Communication: Have a fail-safe way to keep your communications channels open. There should be a radio handy to listen in on the news, a working spare battery for your phone, and other backups that are ready to go in times of emergency.

Heat: Make sure your HVAC systems are working well. It’s never too late to have it serviced before the new year, especially because you do not want your home going cold after an HVAC failure in a storm.

Lighting: How would you keep warm if the power were to go out? Power failures are unlikely, but a looming threat, so make sure you have that covered with plenty of battery-operated and ignitable appliances like lanterns and candles.

Water: Fresh water can become an issue as full pipes tend to expand in extreme weather conditions and burst because of static water in them. Keep your taps slightly open so that there is a drip. Also, don’t waste this water; collect it.

Car Emergency Prevention: Keep a winter kit in your car. It should have everything you need to prepare you for action if you happen to get stranded such as an ice scraper, extra layers of clothing, a form of communication, and emergency contact numbers. Send your car in for a service before it gets too stormy.

You can relax and be at peace when you know that you are prepared for any contingencies at your home this new year.