Stories of computers and other appliances being blown out due to electrical surges are unsettlingly common. Tales of losing appliances to flooded basements are also frequently heard. Fortunately, there are precautions that can be taken to prevent these types of damage.

Unplug the Appliances During Periods of Unstable Power

This is the cheapest and easiest way to keep appliances from being part of the project if you need disaster repair services in Ellijay, Georgia. When you hear thunder or see serious rainfall, dash around and unplug all of your appliances. Start with those that contain sensitive electronics. These are more sensitive to power fluctuations than others.

Use Surge Suppressors

These special power strips won’t stop the energy of a lightning strike, but they can block the surge of energy that can accompany the restoration of power after an outage. Most of these strips have a fuse that will blow out and stop power to the things connected to it when too much voltage tries to get through. It’s much better to have to buy a new power strip than a new appliance! Computer users swear by these strips, but they’re good for many other kinds of appliances as well.

Add a Surge Arrestor

Surge arrestors fit outside the house and protect everything in the dwelling. They can stop up to 20,000 volts, which is enough to protect your things from most lightning-strike current traveling through the lines. The main downside is that they can be expensive, but it can be worth it.

Put in a Sump Pump

Appliances in the basement are often damaged by floodwater instead of electricity. If your basement is prone to this problem, put in a sump pump that will automatically start when the water rises.

These are some of the main ways to protect your machines from storm damage. For more tips, just give us a call.